Creating world-class biofuels by reimaging waste
Our Mission
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Who we are and what we do
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Aris Green Fuels is a joint venture between Aris Bioenergy and Green Fuels Ltd. Aris Bioenergy is India's leading agitator of used cooking oil.
Our impact
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Board and management
Umesh Waghdhare
Aris Bioenergy
Umesh has envisioned and built many businesses over the past two decades. Umesh started has career in a MLM company 20 years ago and ventured into Liquor Manufacturing & Trading in 2001. Now a serial entrepreneur, he has interests in Real Estate Development, Trading, Exports, Bullion, B2B Synergies, and Bioenergy.
James Hygate
Green Fuels Ltd.
In 2003, James could see an emerging biofuels industry developing in the US, and founded Green Fuels. Since then, Green Fuels has won numerous awards and in 2013 was granted a Royal Warrant by HRH the Prince of Wales for its ongoing supply of sustainable biofuel to the Royal Family, for which James is the Royal Warrant holder.